



Various parts of the building can be designated as lecture areas and this is a popular resource for schools and other groups. Hands-on experiments can be carried out to further the understanding of the basics of electricity.
Early experimenter’s equipment is also available to give an insight into the world occupied by these pioneering discoverers and inventors. Lectures can be booked by application to the office at Amberley Working Museum.




The Milne Library contains many fascinating early records of the electrical industry. Items including advertising literature, photographs, manuals and supply company archives build into an overview of the development of this important modern industry. Bona Fide researchers may have access to the archives by applying to the curator.







Authentic reproductions of early electrical installations can help those wishing to recreate a period feel. Our large collection allows us to display many examples and styles from any period. Grouped together, the design and style progression from ancient to modern can be appreciated.





Schools worksheets are available for the Gordon gallery which lead younger children through the exhibits, enabling them to acquire a working knowledge of the principles of electricity. As an adjunct to this, it is possible to book lectures for groups of no more than forty at a time. Lectures can be tailored to the abilities of a wide range of people and may include enthralling demonstrations of high-frequency sparks and electric shock machines. Talks available span, illustrating some basic principles of electricity, through to the intricacies of the modern National Grid. All talks focus heavily on the historical aspects of their topic. Museum exhibits are commonly used to compare what life was like at the dawn of the age of electricity, from demonstrations of the first electric lamps and heaters to the latest energy-saving equipment. Early medical apparatus is also widely represented among the exhibits.